About & Contact

Thank you so much for wanting to know a bit about the woman behind the blog! My name is Anna and I’m a true Wisconsinite. I’m a 35-year-old that’s trying to find my place in the world. I love laughing, wine, writing, music, cooking, anything with makeup, coffee (all of it), crafting, singing in the shower, road trips, reading, and candles. I should also mention that my all-time FAVORITE thing to do is go to concerts. It’s my happy place!

Starting this blog was a labor of love as I feel it’s the culmination of my life experiences. I’m very passionate about it. In High School my electives were Graphics I, II, and III along with Photography. I never pursued those much after that, but I am still so drawn toward the both of them.

Also, my love for makeup came at a early age. I was 3 when my mom caught me playing in her makeup bag. She went to stop me and realized my eyeshadow was on point. Since then I’ve done prom makeup, makeup for a few brides and bridesmaids, and even had a short stint working at a makeup retailer. (Even though it wasn’t long, it helped me learn more about the different brands.) But really, it’s just fun for me!

I graduated from college with a Major in Communication and a Minor in Public Relations, with my extra classes centering around Creative Writing. So really, even though I didn’t know it then, all of my life’s directions pointed me to starting a blog. This blog. So here we are! My many failures and super embarrassing moments also happened in that process, but maybe they were there to keep me humble. They were there to keep me humble and share them so that maybe people, like yourselves, could be inspired by them or use them for a good laugh when they need it.

I really hope you like what you find in my little blog and can relate to its message. Thank you SO much for reading! If you enjoy this, please feel free to share the love or contact me down below with any questions or thoughts.

Photos By: Blushing Rose Photography


I would be so happy to hear from you! My email address is: almostherblog@gmail.com OR send me a message here: